
Scratching the Itch

Scratching the Itch

I was sitting in a dermatology class in vet school my first year at Ohio State and the  professor asked the class “Which disease would you rather your pet have? Allergies or  cancer?”. Obviously all 135 of us replied “Allergies”! That seems a way better disease than...

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Keep Calm & Zen On

Keep Calm & Zen On

As the Fourth of July approaches, I’m looking forward to cookouts, fireworks, and time with friends. I’ll bet most of you are too. But if your pet has noise phobia, the Fourth can bring a sense of dread, because your furry companion is facing several nights of terror....

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Fleas, Ticks and their Unwanted Gifts

Fleas, Ticks and their Unwanted Gifts

Spring and Summer call for more walks with the dogs and more outdoor adventures for our cats. Not only are we and our pets more active but fleas and ticks are as well. Whether you’re unsure if flea and tick prevention is right for your pet or are considering changing...

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Heartworm Disease, It’s Here!

Heartworm Disease, It’s Here!

Heartworm infection in dogs is a serious condition caused by the parasitic worm Dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. When a mosquito bites an infected animal, it picks up microfilariae (the baby worms) which then mature...

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Listen Up! It’s Pet Poison Awareness Month

Listen Up! It’s Pet Poison Awareness Month

Welcome to March everyone! Which means it’s time for St. Patty’s Day, Easter and what many may not know, Pet Poison Awareness month. As we enter this spring season of celebration and fun, here’s a few tips and tricks to help keep the four-legged members of our family...

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Librela: A New Option for Arthritic Dogs

Librela: A New Option for Arthritic Dogs

I am always amazed at how well dogs “tolerate” pain. I’ve seen dogs run into the clinic on a broken leg or eat well despite terribly infected teeth. They are truly remarkable. Yet, if we look close enough we can see that they are suffering from the pain, they’re just...

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What I Feed and Why

What I Feed and Why

A client recently asked me what I feed my dog and as I explained to her all the different foods I feed, it made me acknowledge the "WHY" behind my food choices. I feed my pets a plethora of brands and types of food which means I keep a variety of food in my pantry and...

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The Importance of Dental Health

The Importance of Dental Health

With dental health month coming up next month, it is important to discuss the health of your dog and cat’s teeth. Dental disease is often overlooked until it is too late. Dental disease at the later, more severe, stages is referred to as periodontal disease....

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Ozone Therapy and the Immune System

Ozone Therapy and the Immune System

Ozone therapy is a treatment modality that can help support the immune system in many ways. It may sound like something new but it has been around since the late 1800’s when the first generator was invented by Nikola Tesla. It wasn’t until about 1911 that it was first...

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