You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet

You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet

You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet by: Dr. Carrie Uehlein Yes, you’ve heard it before, and I’ll tell you again. You can not out-exercise a bad diet. Studies have shown there is no significant difference in weight loss between people who change their diet and increase...
My Dog won’t stay out of the pool!

My Dog won’t stay out of the pool!

Swimming in well-maintained traditional chlorine or saltwater pool can be great for your dog. If the pool is safe for people, then it’s safe for your dog. It’s excellent exercise. It’s good for older pets who find walking and running hurts (easier on those old...
What is veterinary medical manipulation (VMM)?

What is veterinary medical manipulation (VMM)?

VMM is equivalent to the human form of chiropractic medicine. It includes a motion palpation assessment and gentle manipulation of the skeletal system and its associated soft tissue, tendons, ligaments, and neural input to improve performance of the musculoskeletal...